Here’s an interesting statistic that got my attention. A survey of 2000 married couples by the British firm, Seddons, found that the majority of the couples surveyed were dissatisfied with their relationship and only stayed together for practical reasons. The survey found that:

  • 59% of the married women would leave if they could find financial security elsewhere
  • 51% of the men thought their marriages were ‘loveless’

Statistics like these can seem very discouraging whether you’re in a relationship or not! This has shown me that is not simply about marriage, but about relationships in general. And that is, people largely do not know how to get their needs met in relationships, or how to take the appropriate actions to ensure their own and others’ happiness.

So what do people who have loving, fulfilling relationships know that the rest of the population doesn’t?

Let’s explore some of the more common relationship challenges:

“If he/she would just change, this relationship could work.”

“He or she will make me happy and complete.”

“I am not enough.”

“It will be better next time.”

“If the relationship failed, it’s because I failed.”

“If my mother-in-law wasn’t always so negative, maybe we could have a civil conversation.”

“If my boyfriend could just get his anger problem under control, then our relationship might have a chance.”

“If my wife could stop needling me for just 10 seconds…”

If you are one of these people, I hate to burst your bubble on this topic, but it is ultimately for your own, good and personal empowerment. Here’s the truth of the matter:

Your relationship with them has absolutely nothing to do with them.

That’s right.

Read that sentence again: Your relationship with them has absolutely nothing to do with them. In other words, it’s all about you!

So, here’s a quick exercise to help you understand:

Think about a relationship you have that is troubling you—or a relationship you don’t have that you would like to have in your life. Take out a pen or get on your computer and write down any answers that come to mind when you ask yourself the following question:

“When I am thinking or talking about this relationship, what am I saying to myself or others?”

Briefly review in your mind your last conversations about the relationship you have chosen to concentrate on, as well as recent thoughts and feelings that have occurred to you about this relationship.

But don’t think too much. Just take 5 minutes and write non-stop in answer to the question above.


Done? Good!

Now, take a look at what you have written.

As you read what you wrote loudly, after each sentence asks yourself this question:

“What is the emotion that is associated with this thought?”

And then jot down the emotion of that sentence in the margin.

I have a feeling you may find this exercise very insightful.

And you may be interested to know that more than 90% of the people who do this exercise find that nearly every sentence they have written is full of emotions such as fear, anger, frustration, grief and shame.

Emotions like fear, anger, frustration, grief and shame do not lead to positive, harmonious relationships! No matter what conscious, positive goals and intentions you may have, emotions like these will override anything else! This can lead you down the wrong relationship path time and again. Sometimes before you even take the first step!

Yes, it’s only your unmastered emotions that stand in the way of having the love you desire in healthy, harmonious, fulfilling relationships.

When you remove emotions like these, you will tend to move into better relationships with yourself and others with far greater ease and success.

“My relationship with my wife is greatly improved. We bicker far less frequently and have a more profound understanding of each other and a common sense of purpose. We are closer.”

– Andy Dale, Tammy, BC, Canada

You can book a free coaching session, You will also learn…

  • How to fall in love with your self and your partner again
  • How to deal with diffi cult people with grace and ease
  • How to understand your partner better and have them understand you
  • How to take responsibility for your own experience in relationships

Contact me now at: +447795272146

Prriya Kaur has been coaching hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, transforming their lives dramatically in the process. You can learn amazingly simple, yet well-designed methods which enable you to let go of any unwanted feeling or emotion right away. This method is the “vaccine for emotional turmoil” that returns you to the power of your True Presence.Prriya Kaur
Life and Business Coach, NLP Trainer & Counselor

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